回锅油家事皂 | Homemade Soap with Used Oil



1. 回鍋油:700克
2. 氢氧化钠:(舉例) 如果使用0.140皂化價,氫氧化鈉使用量就是98克(請根據你回鍋油裡的油品去計算皂化價,影片裡有詳細解說如何計算皂化價。)
3. 純水:225克 (2.3倍水量,也可以改去使用咖啡或茶,這樣你就無需再額外添加咖啡或茶當中添加物,當然你還是可以添加精油或香精來調香。)
4. 添加物1,增加肥皂硬度和起泡度(每公斤皂添加10克,可調整份量):鹽、糖
5. 添加物2,減少回鍋油異味(每公斤皂添加10-25克,可調整份量):咖啡、茶、酵素、橘子油、咖啡渣、精油、香精


Total weight of soap is about 1kg

1. Used Cooking Oil: 700g
2. Sodium hydroxide: (Example) If you use a saponification value of 0.140, the amount of sodium hydroxide is 98 grams (Please calculate the saponification value according to the oil contain in your used oil. The video has a detailed explanation and how to calculate the saponification value.)

3. Distilled Water: 225g (water ratio of the lye solution is 2.3 parts water. You can also use coffee or tea instead. This way you don’t need to add extra coffee or tea as additives. But you can still add essential oils or fragrances oil for fragrance.)

4. Additives1, increase soap hardness and lather (add 10grams per kilogram of soap, the amount can be adjusted): Salt and Sugar

5. Additives2, reduce the odor of used oil (add 10-25 grams per kilo gram of soap, the amount can be adjusted): Coffee, Tea, Enzymes, Orange oil, Coffee grounds, Essential oils, Fragrances oils.
(Additives have different effects, I have explained the role of additives in the video.)